【同义词辨析】 2019-03-27 婚姻matrimonial-nuptial

matrimonial, marital: applies to whatever has to do with marriage and the married state: enjoyed 40 years of ~ bliss; a ~ relationship based on mutual trust and understanding.

conjugal: specifically applies to married persons and their relations: inmates of the prison now have ~ rights.

connubial: refers to the married state: a ~ contract of no legal standing.     法律地位

nuptial: usually refers to marriage or to the marriage ceremony: busy all week with the ~ preparations.

matrimonial,marital婚姻的: 泛指任何和婚姻相关的,conjugal已婚人士的: 专指已婚的人的及其关系,connubial婚姻状态的: 专指处于婚姻状态下的(如例句中的合约contract),nuptial婚礼的: 通常指婚礼仪式

记忆方法: 1)首字母MMCCN想成磨磨和擦擦<==婚姻要磨合       (n常用作and缩写)

         2)婚姻的意思是和婚姻有关mean of, relating to, or characteristic of marriage.